Thursday, February 10, 2011

A typical week.

The last two blogs have been all about me and Jared. I've decided to mix it up a bit and bore you all with a typical week of mine.
 My weeks are really quite boring. Sometimes I feel as though my life is on instant replay. At times I think I am having Déjà vu..
I like to think my week starts on Monday instead of Sunday.
The day starts with waking up to make Jared lunch for his big day back to school.

Then I run off to the gym for an hour on the bike and watching my favorite show- Criminal Minds.

It seems like I've just sat down on the bike before I’m already home and getting ready for the day. By "day" I mean nothing but stacks and stacks of homework.

Sometimes I fit in some grocery shopping and a nice dinner for Jared and me- our only date night available for the week..

Before I know it, the day is over! And its off to bed!

I begin Tuesday’s the same way Monday’s start out- Lunch for Jared and an hour at the gym. What a better way to start the day? Then its off to school.

Three hours in Communications. The dreaded class. I often wonder how many people get panic attacks before they come to this class. I'm beginning to figure out why public speaking is on the top three list for biggest fears.

It’s not in my top three, but its definitely up there. Pretty soon class is out and I have to drive like a Nascar driver just to make it to work in time.

I haven’t been late yet… (Knock on wood). I spend the next eight hours of my life in this lovely little building..

I really do love my job. I have great friends, and have a pretty good rapport with the patients. There is almost nothing to complain about this job… Except for one nasty little habit that plagues the hospital..


Yep, you guessed it.. Smoking. It’s the most disgusting thing I have to deal with at work. No, scratch that… There probably are more disgusting things, but nothing as distasteful as having smoke blown in your face time after time while you light up for them.

Wednesday. My favorite part of this day is the end.. There's nothing I love more than fresh laundry- And Wednesday is laundry day!

After my daily routine at the gym I go to my dads for a few hours to do laundry, and catch up on more homework. Yep.. More homework. When I hear the beeping I know it's time to go home. I rush to put the laundry away and finally steal a moment for myself. 

A quick thirty minutes later and its time to get back in the car and go to work. Before I know it, eight hours has flown by and I'm on my way home to spend a little time with Jared before we have to go to bed. 

Thursday arrives and brings with it a sense of freedom. I guess there isn't much to say about Thursday. I go to the gym, do some homework and run errands if I need to. Perhaps the most laid back day of the week. Last Thursday we made it a girls day. I'm thinking this needs to become a weekly thing..

Next comes- Friday, always a good day. Friday means I have only two days left of work. The hardest, busiest part of the week is over! (And every other Friday, it means Payday and jeans to work!) 

Friday mornings I send the same way I do any other morning. I get a little time to myself and lately I've been spending that time reading The Lincoln Lawyer.

When I'm in school I find it hard to have time for recreational reading. But this books is a must! Its so captivating and even more exciting, the movie comes out in March- which really gives me motivation to keep reading. 

I do enjoy Saturdays! It's one of the only days I get to spend more than an hour with Jared. Lately we have had so much to do, but no matter what its great to spend time with him.

Before I know it, the morning is gone, and soon I'm off to work until 11:30

Sunday is my favorite day of the week. Not only do I get to spend the entire day with Jared, but we also get to go to church. 

It's always so uplifting and relights my Spirit so I can begin another week, the very next day.

1 comment:

  1. I loved our lunch! :)
    I often feel like my life is a lame replay every week...scratch that, every day! Look on the bright side, only 12-13 more weeks til summer break :)
