Friday, February 18, 2011

Ten things I LOVE about life.

In the spirit of Valentine’s Day this last week I decided to write a blog about… Yep, you guessed it, L-O-V-E, love.

Of course, these are in no particular order...

1.     1.  Marriage.
Being married is SO much fun. I definitely recommend everyone try it. It’s so nice (especially in the freezing cold winter that has suddenly fallen upon us) to not have to drive home late into the night. It’s nice to be able to come home to someone every night. And it’s absolutely wonderful to be able to go to church together without having to ditch one of our wards. I don’t think I can explain how comforting it feels to have someone to share your life with, and to love and you know they love you back. I know I can always count on his constant companionship and support. The best part is getting to spend every day with my best friend!

2.  Tropical Get-Away’s.
How could I not put this in my Top Ten? Who doesn’t love warm weather! I love not having to wear a lot of makeup and relaxing on the soft, sticky white sand of some beach next to some ocean in the shade of some palm tree. The last few years I have been lucky enough to spend some chunk of the winter season escaping Nevada’s dry bitter cold weather. The thought that always comes to mind is, this is a great way to start off the New Year and an even better way to end the last. I would love to make it a goal (Maybe a dream would be a more realistic term) to travel somewhere tropical each year.

3.  Family.
New and old- Family is amazing. Perhaps it’s the unconditional love maybe it’s the ability to call at any time of the night and have someone to talk to. Through all the fights I have had with my sisters and my parents, I still have no doubts that they love me. I feel so blessed to have been given this family. And if it couldn’t get any better, I married into quite possibly the most wonderful family ever. Not only did I get three new sisters, but I also got two brothers-which I always wanted.

4. Baking.
I found a love for baking in the fifth grade when my family was living in Idaho. Even though it was my sixth school, and I should have been good at making friends by this point… I wasn’t. I remember spending the summer with a Kids Cookbook my mom found trying to become a domesticated woman in the kitchen. Since then, this love for baking hasn’t ceased. Especially now with all my food allergies, I have soooo much more experimenting to do. I think this is one hobby that could keep me busy for an eternity.

5.     5. Friends.
Since getting married, I haven’t been able to spend much time with my friends. I have to admit it definitely breaks my heart. A few of these girls have been my friends since high school, and a couple I met only a year and a half ago. But still, I feel so lucky to have them in my life and I know, they know, even though we don’t hang out as often as we should they are always in my thoughts.  Having friends is so important. There are some things you just can’t talk about with a husband. And that’s what my friends are for. Thanks guys! I love you all!

6. Summer.
I suppose this goes hand in hand with the tropical get-away’s. But I am giving it a spot on my top ten anyway. That’s how much I love summer. If I could move somewhere where it was summer year round I may never have to take a tropical vacation again. Scratch that, I still might, but just for the sole fact that I love to travel. I love being able to slip on a pair of flip flops and hop outside. No bundling up, no scarf, or extra pair of socks.  Summer is a beautiful gift each year that it comes and I greet it with open arms. I’m ready for you summer!!

7. The Temple.
I don’t even know where to start. I love the temple. We are so lucky to have one so close to where we are and we don’t go nearly as often as we should. I don’t even need to go inside before I begin to feel the spirit I do when I enter the grounds of the temple. It’s like a breath of fresh air, incredible warmth comforts me. The temple is lit up each night and many times it can be seen from afar. It’s probably the most beautiful sight on any ordinary night in Reno.

8. Road Trips.
Hmm, where to begin about Road Trips... They are so exciting, but by the time they are over, I usually am ready for them to be, which makes them evermore perfect. Our last road trip was to San Diego. But the best part didn’t happen on our way there, it was on our way home. We stopped in Santa Barbara for dinner and the sunset. I think that has to be my favorite part of road tripping instead of flying- the ability to stop or not stop where ever you want for however long you wish. Jared and I usually power through but this last trip we took our time driving the long way home up the coast. It can be such a great bonding experience. I think it should be a prerequisite to marriage. If you can survive ten hours in a car with someone, you might want to rethink anything too long term... Our first trip was to visit my mom in Oregon. Google said it would take us eleven hours to get there, and I think we made it in less than nine. I guess you could say we’re pretty pro.

9. Fresh Air.
It might have only made the top ten list because I realized this winter how much I have taken it for granted. Like you may have already guessed, I am a wimp when it comes to cold weather. Therefore, this winter, with the cold front and work I have been stuck inside for a large majority of it... I miss fresh air.

10. Creativity.
Last, but certainly not least. Everybody needs a little creativity in their lives. I have recently discovered my favorite way to express this is through photos- scrapbooking. Making memories and reliving the good ones. I can’t imagine a better way to spend my time. It’s something not only I can enjoy for the rest of my life, but my family, my future children and my current friends.

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