Friday, February 25, 2011


This morning we woke up to snow dumping down out of the sky. 
Tons of it.
As I look out the window now it has finally slowed down but there is at least two inches of fresh snow burying the ice in our parking lot. I guess the teaser spring we got in January was just that.. A teaser. I guess you can say we have had a very wet winter. With most of it being rain, I still am ready for the sun to come out and stick around. Last summer was too short- I think it was still snowing in May. SO, I was beyond excited to hear the groundhogs prediction of an early spring.
 I am sure all the skiers and boarders are very much enjoying the extra weeks of winter but those warm blooded friends of mine understand my angst to the bitter cold snow. Not only is cold weather just about unbearable for me, but it is also unbearable for my car. My little Mazda doesn't like snow. This leaves me to rely on Jared and his car to get me to and from work. Last weeks’ snow storm left my poor car stranded at work for three days.
Even as a child I can recall skipping the snow play and going straight to the hot chocolate.

I think in high school I enjoyed the snow because it meant there was a chance for school to be canceled. Or perhaps it was the fact I knew I didn't have to drive in it- which is often a terrifying experience. Good thing my wonderful husband loves nothing more than a drive through the snow!

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