Tuesday, February 15, 2011

St. Valentine's Day

Just a warning for those out there that have a weak stomach for all that “mushy” love stuff.. You may want to skip this blog.

Valentine’s Day- This Hallmark holiday known to many as "Single-Awareness-Day" is not just another excuse for a female to get fresh flowers and chocolate. It's so much more! It's about Amour! Liebe! Meilė! Aloha! Amore! Love!
            1. A profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person.

It's about spending the day with one you love and letting them know. I've found we often get so caught up our busy everyday lives (work, school, laundry, staying healthy) that we sometimes neglect to just be with each other. I mean really, be with each other. Sure, we sit on the couch and enjoy our favorite shows together, and review our day, but I guess being the newlyweds we are, we still need to take a minute to realize our love. Here we are- in this beautiful world that our Heavenly Father has given us, and we have each other, to lean on, to depend on, and to trust- It's nothing less than a miracle.
Deiter F. uchtdorf said:
"I know this may be a disappointment for some of you, but I don’t believe there is only one right person for you. I think I fell in love with my wife, Harriet, from the first moment I saw her. Nevertheless, had she decided to marry someone else, I believe I would have met and fallen in love with someone else. I am eternally grateful that this didn’t happen, but I don’t believe she was my one chance at happiness in this life, nor was I hers."
Although I believe that to be true, I can't imagine ever finding the perfect fit like I found now. I hate to get all mushy, but I guess one could say we're like Mac and cheese. Peanut Butter and Jelly, two puzzle pieces that just happened to fall together. Or as Jared says, "the syrup to the pancake".
At just twenty one years old I feel so lucky to have found the one I am going to share the rest of eternity with. I look forward to many more Valentine's Day's to come... Every one as good as this one!

It started out as an ordinary day... Well not really. I was sick. So after saying goodbye to Jared I crawled back into bed thinking I would lay there for a few more minutes before starting my day of homework... Nope, I woke up nearly three and half hours later. Half my day was gone but surprisingly I felt better! Who knew a few extra hours of sleep would be so refreshing. I dragged myself out of my warm bed and got ready, ran a few errands and picked up Jared's present.

A practical gift for a practical man.

Not more than two hours later Jared walk in the door ordering me to close my eyes.. I didn't.

He was holding a beautiful bouquet of fresh flowers and... just what I wanted! A glass cake holder! Like i mentioned earlier... Anyone who knows Jared knows he's a practical man. And what a practical gift! Most girls want jewelry on this holiday, but me? No, I'd rather have something I can use. I can't wear three necklaces every day!
Oh and of course... Sugar free chocolate. Can't have Valentine’s Day without chocolate!

We finished our night with a movie and some homemade dessert..

I can honestly say I had the best Valentine. No competition. Sorry ladies, he's mine!

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