Tuesday, April 1, 2014


A week of nothing but sunshine and sand!

I am still picking it out of Charlie's hair but it was worth it.

We had tea parties every hour on the plane ride and had several passengers comment on how well behaved she was. I'm glad they thought so because I thought she was a nut.

Charlie was obsessed with my Grandma's front yard and made a run for it every chance she got.

She wasn't a huge fan of the water which was pretty shocking to me but I think the waves were a little bit intimidating. She ran down the shoreline with her arms in the air and the sweetest scream ever. It was hilarious. Until she got taken out by a wave.

When we weren't chasing being chased by waves, we spent most of our days lounging and building sandcastles.

Naps whenever is basically and Island rule. She took this very seriously.

(Like I've said before, she will bust a move anytime, anyplace.)

Have I mentioned how independent this girl is? I love it, but also it scares me sometimes.

We were lucky enough the spend a few days at the Hyatt pool. You guys, THIS ^^ is their pool. By far Charlie's favorite handout spot. 

We had a blast on the most beautiful place on earth and loved spending time with family we don't see nearly enough of.

Believe it or not that first picture actually drew a small crowd. Looks like I might have to sell them to the circus.