Thursday, November 8, 2012

Counting My Blessings

 If there is one thing I'm thankful for this November it's my growing little family. Of course I love my parents, sisters and where would I be without all of my amazing in-laws? But I can't say there's a day that goes by where I'm not thankful for the biggest blessing of all- being a mama to this sweet babe...

...and a wife to this lucky man..

...okay, maybe I'm the lucky one. 
Would you look at those two?!

Here are a couple more shots (captured by my talented sister in-law Alicia) for your viewing pleasure.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Daylight Savings Ruins Dreams


Last night it took me 2 hours, 2 rocking chairs and 2 diaper changes before Charlie finally fell asleep. 

But I have to admit, I am grateful for these nights. She is already growing up too fast so I'll soak up the baby moments when I can get them.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

All Hallows' Eve

Halloween is definitely in the top two when it comes to my favorite holidays. I don't know if it's the time of year- the perfect weather and colorful changing trees, the candy (obvious!), or all the fun costumes that gets me (that's my inner child talking). Perhaps it's all of them. Either way, I look forward to this spooky day all year, and even though I knew this year would be different I couldn't stop the urge to celebrate.

Sadly, our last minute decision to carve some pumpkins left us pumpkin-less (who knew its impossible to buy a pumpkin on Halloween?!), and even though for the life of me, I could not track down a copy of Hocus Pocus, we didn't let it dampen our Halloween spirit. We took a walk down the river (if you're from Reno you know what kind of creatures can be found there..), dressed Charlie up, and I ate my weight in candy-corn. So, until next year, Happy Halloween! I hope you all enjoyed this holiday as much as I did.

And yes, I'm already looking forward to next year when we can party with Charlie.