Monday, May 16, 2011

Dog Daze

This weekend was definitely one for the books.

I had two days off from work giving me a four day weekend. I was a little disappointed to find out it wouldn't be as warm as I was hoping, but it didn't stop Jared and me from having a few adventures.

Friday- being the only predicted warm day of the weekend- Jared came home from work early so we could go on a hike. We explored the woods behind Caughlin Ranch. Who knew we had a national forest inside Reno?

We enjoyed a nice little picnic in the backwoods of Reno and hiked our way to a beautiful creek. 

With the storm clouds rolling in we began out hike back to the car planning our next outing back to this spot.

Saturday started out lazy. We lounged around decided what to do. The sun was hidden behind a cloudy sky but the outside air was surprisingly warm and inviting. 

Jared quickly decided it was the perfect day for a bike ride (I was a little hesitant with the ominous clouds), but we hopped on our bikes anyway and before we knew two hours had gone by- and I'd seen more bums along the river than I had my entire life.. maybe.

As windy as it was (imagine riding down a hill and feeling like someone is trying to push you back up) I still had a fabulous time.

After getting ready, I suggested to Jared that we go check out the Humane Society.. Just for fun of course. 
We walked in expecting not to be impressed. I asked if they had any puppies, and to my great surprise, THEY DID!

We were led back to the kennels and found exactly the kind of dog we'd talked about wanting. 
How could it not be more perfect?

Jared said no..
I couldn't take no for an answer knowing that these sweet little pups would be gone shortly.. 

We decided to run some errands while we thought about it. 
I finally convinced Jared that I didn't just want this puppy- I needed it.
-and we were back at the Humane Society. 

As fate would have it the puppy I'd picked out that morning was one of three (out of the 7 they'd had) still left.

I knew then, we had to bring her home.

After much deliberation we decided on a name.

Rylee is an Australian Shepherd mixed with what we think could either be Rottweiler or German Shepherd. She definitely has herding skills already always following us at out feet.

We've got our fingers crossed for a Frisbee dog.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Sister Time

What an amazing weekend I had!

I know this blog is four days late, and I really have no good excuse for not posting sooner, but better late than never, right?

This weekend my beautiful little sister visited from Oregon with her dad. It was so wonderful to see her! She is growing up so fast. Not only mentally but also physically- she's as tall as me! And I am pretty positive that the next time I see her, she will be taller than me. 

(Even though this picture is a little blurry, it's one of my favorites.)

Since I knew about her arrival last minute, I wasn't able to take time off work and was worried I wouldn't see her much while she was here. But lucky for me, I got to see her bright smiling face almost everyday! We played at the park and enjoyed a windy afternoon in Virginia City. (One of her favorite places, that I have come to discover loses novelty the older you get.)

I am so glad I got to spend these days with Jamie. Sunday night we celebrated her Birthday and it was so fun to be a part of it. 

Of course what birthday party would be complete without a piƱata and some games. Jamie had us cracking up at this ridiculous game called "Hedbandz". I was reluctant to play, but once we started, I couldn't get enough.

My little sister is truly one of the funniest little girls I know. 

I'm so thankful for the time I got to spend with my baby sister and can't wait for more summer days with her to come!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Small Blessings

The short amount of time I've spend as a primary teacher has already taught me so much. I am so grateful for the children in our ward. Their laughter and tiny little voices fill the room each Sunday as we sit down for our lesson. I am so amazed at the testimonies I know they already have.

I feel as though they have taught me more than I have taught them! It is so wonderful to be surrounded by such small people with such huge spirits and a true undying love for the love of our savior and heavenly father.

Yesterday we learned about the Word of Wisdom, when I asked them if they could tell me one thing they shouldn't eat or drink because its not healthy, one little girl raised her hand and said "ice-cream". I couldn't help but giggle.

Each child in my class is a beautiful small blessing I am forever thankful for. They enlighten my soul and give me the spiritual food I need to get through my week.