Monday, February 28, 2011

Simply Hair.

I know it's silly to write a blog about something as futile as a simple haircut. But I couldn't help myself..

Last Thursday morning, I drove my salon with a plan in mind.

Just a trim, nothing more...

For months now, maybe even over a year, I have been trying to grow my hair out, cutting it only minimal amounts to trim off the frayed ends.

Each time I feel like finally my hair has grown; it seems it’s time for a trim, and all the progress gets cut away.

This never ending cycle of long hair has begun to get on my last nerve. 

I sat there in the chair staring at my hair, and the scissors chopping away at it ever so carefully as not to cut more than needed off. 

I thought for a moment and considered a drastic change. 

Maybe that’s just what I needed. It’s been a good run with this whole long hair thing, but what’s the point?

"It's almost summer", I thought.

I sat in the chair a while longer, contemplating the surprised look on Jared's face as he walked through the door to my hair just barely brushing the tips of my shoulders.

He’s never really expressed he didn't like short hair..

After much (probably too much) thought I realized, I’ve waited for too long to just chop it all off on a whim.

So I finally decided against such a dramatic change.


Instead I got bangs.

And for now, that's enough change for me!

Friday, February 25, 2011


This morning we woke up to snow dumping down out of the sky. 
Tons of it.
As I look out the window now it has finally slowed down but there is at least two inches of fresh snow burying the ice in our parking lot. I guess the teaser spring we got in January was just that.. A teaser. I guess you can say we have had a very wet winter. With most of it being rain, I still am ready for the sun to come out and stick around. Last summer was too short- I think it was still snowing in May. SO, I was beyond excited to hear the groundhogs prediction of an early spring.
 I am sure all the skiers and boarders are very much enjoying the extra weeks of winter but those warm blooded friends of mine understand my angst to the bitter cold snow. Not only is cold weather just about unbearable for me, but it is also unbearable for my car. My little Mazda doesn't like snow. This leaves me to rely on Jared and his car to get me to and from work. Last weeks’ snow storm left my poor car stranded at work for three days.
Even as a child I can recall skipping the snow play and going straight to the hot chocolate.

I think in high school I enjoyed the snow because it meant there was a chance for school to be canceled. Or perhaps it was the fact I knew I didn't have to drive in it- which is often a terrifying experience. Good thing my wonderful husband loves nothing more than a drive through the snow!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

President’s Day.

The week leading up to President’s Day was bitter cold and full of snow despite the groundhogs prediction of an early spring. It was quickly decided we needed to get out of town. Somewhere warm.

We decided on a day trip over the pass to Sacramento. A day of shopping and some fresh outdoors. We packed the bikes into the car and headed out of town bright and early.

Jared googled a trail that was easily accessible from the freeway and we planned to make a stop there on our way home.

After a few hours of shopping at the outlet mall we got back in the car and headed east. Before I knew, it we were parked and hopping on the bikes under a warm sun.

We reached the trail head and came to fork. Being that the map was entirely unhelpful we were on our own to guess which would be easier. Ahead to the right we saw a trail that went straight up, so we took the left trail… Wrong choice. It was totally uphill. Let’s just say all my days biking at the gym were nothing compared to reality. Perhaps it was the pounding headache that got worse with every rock I rode over or maybe it’s just the fact that I am completely out of shape, but shortly after what felt like an eternity we headed back down the hill determined not to quit. The other trail would be better… I hoped.

We entered the trail head- me a little defeated already, Jared getting tired of waiting on me already- and we could easily see this trail was much easier.  The view of the bridge above us and the flowing river next to us was breathtaking.  The trail was surrounded by lush green trees and the sound of rushing water- which we later found out was the Dam.

We finished the bike ride as the sun was setting and couldn't help but enjoy the cool air and the calm water as it glistened off the setting sun.

Despite my throbbing headache that I began with on the bike ride, I had a great time and can't wait to go again when the weather gets warmer. 

Friday, February 18, 2011

Ten things I LOVE about life.

In the spirit of Valentine’s Day this last week I decided to write a blog about… Yep, you guessed it, L-O-V-E, love.

Of course, these are in no particular order...

1.     1.  Marriage.
Being married is SO much fun. I definitely recommend everyone try it. It’s so nice (especially in the freezing cold winter that has suddenly fallen upon us) to not have to drive home late into the night. It’s nice to be able to come home to someone every night. And it’s absolutely wonderful to be able to go to church together without having to ditch one of our wards. I don’t think I can explain how comforting it feels to have someone to share your life with, and to love and you know they love you back. I know I can always count on his constant companionship and support. The best part is getting to spend every day with my best friend!

2.  Tropical Get-Away’s.
How could I not put this in my Top Ten? Who doesn’t love warm weather! I love not having to wear a lot of makeup and relaxing on the soft, sticky white sand of some beach next to some ocean in the shade of some palm tree. The last few years I have been lucky enough to spend some chunk of the winter season escaping Nevada’s dry bitter cold weather. The thought that always comes to mind is, this is a great way to start off the New Year and an even better way to end the last. I would love to make it a goal (Maybe a dream would be a more realistic term) to travel somewhere tropical each year.

3.  Family.
New and old- Family is amazing. Perhaps it’s the unconditional love maybe it’s the ability to call at any time of the night and have someone to talk to. Through all the fights I have had with my sisters and my parents, I still have no doubts that they love me. I feel so blessed to have been given this family. And if it couldn’t get any better, I married into quite possibly the most wonderful family ever. Not only did I get three new sisters, but I also got two brothers-which I always wanted.

4. Baking.
I found a love for baking in the fifth grade when my family was living in Idaho. Even though it was my sixth school, and I should have been good at making friends by this point… I wasn’t. I remember spending the summer with a Kids Cookbook my mom found trying to become a domesticated woman in the kitchen. Since then, this love for baking hasn’t ceased. Especially now with all my food allergies, I have soooo much more experimenting to do. I think this is one hobby that could keep me busy for an eternity.

5.     5. Friends.
Since getting married, I haven’t been able to spend much time with my friends. I have to admit it definitely breaks my heart. A few of these girls have been my friends since high school, and a couple I met only a year and a half ago. But still, I feel so lucky to have them in my life and I know, they know, even though we don’t hang out as often as we should they are always in my thoughts.  Having friends is so important. There are some things you just can’t talk about with a husband. And that’s what my friends are for. Thanks guys! I love you all!

6. Summer.
I suppose this goes hand in hand with the tropical get-away’s. But I am giving it a spot on my top ten anyway. That’s how much I love summer. If I could move somewhere where it was summer year round I may never have to take a tropical vacation again. Scratch that, I still might, but just for the sole fact that I love to travel. I love being able to slip on a pair of flip flops and hop outside. No bundling up, no scarf, or extra pair of socks.  Summer is a beautiful gift each year that it comes and I greet it with open arms. I’m ready for you summer!!

7. The Temple.
I don’t even know where to start. I love the temple. We are so lucky to have one so close to where we are and we don’t go nearly as often as we should. I don’t even need to go inside before I begin to feel the spirit I do when I enter the grounds of the temple. It’s like a breath of fresh air, incredible warmth comforts me. The temple is lit up each night and many times it can be seen from afar. It’s probably the most beautiful sight on any ordinary night in Reno.

8. Road Trips.
Hmm, where to begin about Road Trips... They are so exciting, but by the time they are over, I usually am ready for them to be, which makes them evermore perfect. Our last road trip was to San Diego. But the best part didn’t happen on our way there, it was on our way home. We stopped in Santa Barbara for dinner and the sunset. I think that has to be my favorite part of road tripping instead of flying- the ability to stop or not stop where ever you want for however long you wish. Jared and I usually power through but this last trip we took our time driving the long way home up the coast. It can be such a great bonding experience. I think it should be a prerequisite to marriage. If you can survive ten hours in a car with someone, you might want to rethink anything too long term... Our first trip was to visit my mom in Oregon. Google said it would take us eleven hours to get there, and I think we made it in less than nine. I guess you could say we’re pretty pro.

9. Fresh Air.
It might have only made the top ten list because I realized this winter how much I have taken it for granted. Like you may have already guessed, I am a wimp when it comes to cold weather. Therefore, this winter, with the cold front and work I have been stuck inside for a large majority of it... I miss fresh air.

10. Creativity.
Last, but certainly not least. Everybody needs a little creativity in their lives. I have recently discovered my favorite way to express this is through photos- scrapbooking. Making memories and reliving the good ones. I can’t imagine a better way to spend my time. It’s something not only I can enjoy for the rest of my life, but my family, my future children and my current friends.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

St. Valentine's Day

Just a warning for those out there that have a weak stomach for all that “mushy” love stuff.. You may want to skip this blog.

Valentine’s Day- This Hallmark holiday known to many as "Single-Awareness-Day" is not just another excuse for a female to get fresh flowers and chocolate. It's so much more! It's about Amour! Liebe! Meilė! Aloha! Amore! Love!
            1. A profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person.

It's about spending the day with one you love and letting them know. I've found we often get so caught up our busy everyday lives (work, school, laundry, staying healthy) that we sometimes neglect to just be with each other. I mean really, be with each other. Sure, we sit on the couch and enjoy our favorite shows together, and review our day, but I guess being the newlyweds we are, we still need to take a minute to realize our love. Here we are- in this beautiful world that our Heavenly Father has given us, and we have each other, to lean on, to depend on, and to trust- It's nothing less than a miracle.
Deiter F. uchtdorf said:
"I know this may be a disappointment for some of you, but I don’t believe there is only one right person for you. I think I fell in love with my wife, Harriet, from the first moment I saw her. Nevertheless, had she decided to marry someone else, I believe I would have met and fallen in love with someone else. I am eternally grateful that this didn’t happen, but I don’t believe she was my one chance at happiness in this life, nor was I hers."
Although I believe that to be true, I can't imagine ever finding the perfect fit like I found now. I hate to get all mushy, but I guess one could say we're like Mac and cheese. Peanut Butter and Jelly, two puzzle pieces that just happened to fall together. Or as Jared says, "the syrup to the pancake".
At just twenty one years old I feel so lucky to have found the one I am going to share the rest of eternity with. I look forward to many more Valentine's Day's to come... Every one as good as this one!

It started out as an ordinary day... Well not really. I was sick. So after saying goodbye to Jared I crawled back into bed thinking I would lay there for a few more minutes before starting my day of homework... Nope, I woke up nearly three and half hours later. Half my day was gone but surprisingly I felt better! Who knew a few extra hours of sleep would be so refreshing. I dragged myself out of my warm bed and got ready, ran a few errands and picked up Jared's present.

A practical gift for a practical man.

Not more than two hours later Jared walk in the door ordering me to close my eyes.. I didn't.

He was holding a beautiful bouquet of fresh flowers and... just what I wanted! A glass cake holder! Like i mentioned earlier... Anyone who knows Jared knows he's a practical man. And what a practical gift! Most girls want jewelry on this holiday, but me? No, I'd rather have something I can use. I can't wear three necklaces every day!
Oh and of course... Sugar free chocolate. Can't have Valentine’s Day without chocolate!

We finished our night with a movie and some homemade dessert..

I can honestly say I had the best Valentine. No competition. Sorry ladies, he's mine!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

A typical week.

The last two blogs have been all about me and Jared. I've decided to mix it up a bit and bore you all with a typical week of mine.
 My weeks are really quite boring. Sometimes I feel as though my life is on instant replay. At times I think I am having DĆ©jĆ  vu..
I like to think my week starts on Monday instead of Sunday.
The day starts with waking up to make Jared lunch for his big day back to school.

Then I run off to the gym for an hour on the bike and watching my favorite show- Criminal Minds.

It seems like I've just sat down on the bike before I’m already home and getting ready for the day. By "day" I mean nothing but stacks and stacks of homework.

Sometimes I fit in some grocery shopping and a nice dinner for Jared and me- our only date night available for the week..

Before I know it, the day is over! And its off to bed!

I begin Tuesday’s the same way Monday’s start out- Lunch for Jared and an hour at the gym. What a better way to start the day? Then its off to school.

Three hours in Communications. The dreaded class. I often wonder how many people get panic attacks before they come to this class. I'm beginning to figure out why public speaking is on the top three list for biggest fears.

It’s not in my top three, but its definitely up there. Pretty soon class is out and I have to drive like a Nascar driver just to make it to work in time.

I haven’t been late yet… (Knock on wood). I spend the next eight hours of my life in this lovely little building..

I really do love my job. I have great friends, and have a pretty good rapport with the patients. There is almost nothing to complain about this job… Except for one nasty little habit that plagues the hospital..


Yep, you guessed it.. Smoking. It’s the most disgusting thing I have to deal with at work. No, scratch that… There probably are more disgusting things, but nothing as distasteful as having smoke blown in your face time after time while you light up for them.

Wednesday. My favorite part of this day is the end.. There's nothing I love more than fresh laundry- And Wednesday is laundry day!

After my daily routine at the gym I go to my dads for a few hours to do laundry, and catch up on more homework. Yep.. More homework. When I hear the beeping I know it's time to go home. I rush to put the laundry away and finally steal a moment for myself. 

A quick thirty minutes later and its time to get back in the car and go to work. Before I know it, eight hours has flown by and I'm on my way home to spend a little time with Jared before we have to go to bed. 

Thursday arrives and brings with it a sense of freedom. I guess there isn't much to say about Thursday. I go to the gym, do some homework and run errands if I need to. Perhaps the most laid back day of the week. Last Thursday we made it a girls day. I'm thinking this needs to become a weekly thing..

Next comes- Friday, always a good day. Friday means I have only two days left of work. The hardest, busiest part of the week is over! (And every other Friday, it means Payday and jeans to work!) 

Friday mornings I send the same way I do any other morning. I get a little time to myself and lately I've been spending that time reading The Lincoln Lawyer.

When I'm in school I find it hard to have time for recreational reading. But this books is a must! Its so captivating and even more exciting, the movie comes out in March- which really gives me motivation to keep reading. 

I do enjoy Saturdays! It's one of the only days I get to spend more than an hour with Jared. Lately we have had so much to do, but no matter what its great to spend time with him.

Before I know it, the morning is gone, and soon I'm off to work until 11:30

Sunday is my favorite day of the week. Not only do I get to spend the entire day with Jared, but we also get to go to church. 

It's always so uplifting and relights my Spirit so I can begin another week, the very next day.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Mexican Riviera Honeymoon

Well, it's been two days since my last post, so I guess it's time for another.. 
Jared and I recently (FINALLY) went on our honeymoon. Having a mid-semester wedding in October made it hard for us to have a proper honeymoon. So, to say the least, it was a long awaited and much anticipated trip that (I think I can speak for both of us when I say..) was definitely so much better than both of us could have imagined! We went on a Mexican Riviera Cruise, which ported in San Diego, Ca. (An excellent excuse for a road trip..)

After driving a sufficiently long ten hours in the car, and being all road tripped out, we made it to San Diego and boarded- or "embarked"- the ship promptly. Day one was a little chilly, but we didn't let it get us down. We enjoyed the serenity of the nearly empty decks and feasted on the free food

Jared and I quickly learned how delicious the food was and took full advantage of the five course gourmet meals.

First Stop- Puerto Vallarta. We coincidentally met up with our new friends outside the ship and decided to share a taxi with them. Although I think know we all would have walked had we known the dangers of Mexican taxi’s and “MaƱana” time.
          “You like it fast or slow” He asked Jared when we got in the car.
Let me just say, wrong question to ask Jared.
          “Fast” He replied with a smile back at me.
Immediately the taxi driver floored it weaving in between cars and zipping through lights. I think we were all relieved when he dropped us of too soon- about a mile away from our destination. It was nice to walk around downtown. Along the beach were life sized sand sculptures. These people relied on tips to feed their families. They really put a lot of hard work into sand sculpting and it definitely paid off.

Our walk went by quickly as there was so much to look at. And before we knew it we were at the Canopy tours office. We jumped into a giant open bus praying that not all Mexican drivers were the same. After some beautiful scenery we arrived at Los Veranos. Our guides acted like they had no idea what they were doing- which when you are gliding 700ft about the ground going backwards, is not the most comforting thing. “Come on Amiga!” They would yell, laughing at our un-surety. All in all, the Canopy tour was unbelievable.  We got to do a little bit of hiking and a lot of Zip-Lining.

After, we were taken to a “zoo”. Who knew a zoo was three cages with monkeys and rabbits? The man slapped yogurt on our hands and sent us into the cages. We had Marmosets and Spider Monkeys crawling on us to get the yogurt from our hands. Before we went in he warned us to make sure our pockets were empty. They were… Until Jared finished taking pictures and slid the camera in his pocket. Almost as quickly as his hand came out, the monkey jumped on his back and made a reach for the camera. They really are thieving little things..

We thought Puerto Vallarta couldn’t get any better- then we found the all-natural swimming hole. Slides made out of rock and a rope swing from the bridge. I think we can say we made a splash in Puerto Vallarta.

We finished the day with some authentic Mexican food and a little shopping (more like negotiating) and began our 5 mile walk back to the ship.

Next stop- Mazatlan. When our ship pulled up to port we were a little unsatisfied. It was in the middle of a bunch of warehouses and cargo holds. We then proceeded to wait TWO hours to take the boat ride to the “exclusive” beach where we would find many fun filled shoe excursions.

The moment we got there we were bombarded with the typical phrases one hears while in Mexico..
                    “Special deal for you!”
                   “Come on amiga! This is my commission!”
And of course the famous “One dollar!” –then after we began looking at what they had for sale, “One dollar off!” 
When you think about it, it really was a clever trick..
We skipped over most of the peddlers and went straight to kayaking. It was beautiful, the water was surprisingly clear and made for some great snorkeling.

After we were forced back to the beach we grabbed a quick bite to eat and decided to try para-sailing. It’s really a shame we didn't manage to get any pictures while up in the air. It totally gave a whole different perspective to Mazatlan from the warehouses we’d seen in port.

Our excursions didn't end there! We were running out of time quickly, but we had a little for some beach front horseback riding. It was quite hilarious- the horses were “followers”. They would not stray from a specific path and they refused to receive any sort of direction. It’s a good thing it was a fairly short ride.. (Note to self- never go horseback riding in a sun-dress.)

 On our way out we grabbed a coconut and began the journey back to the ship.

You know what they say… Best for last- Cabo San Lucas. We had so much fun in Cabo. When we arrived we hopped in a water taxi that gave us a tour to the majestic stone arch at the southern tip of Baja where the Sea of Cortez meets the Pacific Ocean. It was simply stunning.

Just to the side of the stone arch was “Lovers Beach”. He dropped us of and we pretty much had the entire beach to ourselves.

After a few hours of snorkeling and playing in the waves, it was time for some shopping in downtown Cabo.

 We finished with a lovely formal night and the best show of the cruise.

 Back in San Diego we made a quick stop at the San Diego Temple.

We decided to take the long way home so we could stop in Santa Barbara- home of our most favorite show-Psych. Come to find out Psych is filmed in Canada! Who knew?! Devastating as that was to find out we enjoyed a beautiful beach sunset and a walk along the beach.

We truly had the best honeymoon we could have imagined. From the towel animals to the sunsets, we enjoyed each other and our new found friends at the same time. It was really better than anyone could ask for. 

Special Thanks to Aaron and Becca for being our cruise buddies and taking countless pictures for us!