Sunday, February 23, 2014

Twenty Months.

At 20 months Charlie (Charli?, Charlee?,Charley?- I've been thinking about changing the spelling of her nick name to more be more girly. Because if you've met my daughter you know she's the girliest one year old you'll ever meet!)


Weight: ~21 lbs


Clothes: she was beginning to venture into 12-18 months but she got really sick this last month and lost a little more than a pound. So it's 9-12 for now with a couple 12-18 month clothes thrown in there.

LOVES: snuggling, getting her nails painted, carrying her purse around, "helping" me cook, working with dad in the garage, hugs, playing outside, shoes, COOKIES-or anything sweet, bath time-even though she's started pooping in the tub! Also thinks 'Rock, Paper, Scissors' is a hilarious game (Jared and I play it to change diapers sometimes).
DISLIKES: falling asleep, being told "No", sitting in one spot for more than 30 seconds, doctors offices (can't blame her for that one..)
 Favorite foods: This girl has the biggest sweet tooth ever. She also loves, and I mean LOVES my chicken tacos. Which is super weird because she refuses all other meat.

Favorite words: "uh-oh". She says it all the time. Even when it doesn't really apply which makes it pretty funny. Like when she intentionally dumps her bowl of pears on the floor from her high chair- I think she does it just so she can say "uh-oh!" Another favorite is "Ey! Ey! Eeyyy!" But not as in "hi", she says it when you take something away from her, like "hey you! Give that back!" She can also pretty clearly say "buh-buy" and "hiiii" with the cutest wave you ever did see and has learned "mo-er". Not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing yet.. And "whooaa" or "wooowww" like whatever you have is the most spectacular thing she's ever laid her eyes upon. So.Cute.

Signature moves: face planting herself on the floor when you take something she's not supposed to have away from her. Running out from behind doors, walls, or pretty much anything with a high pitched scream, laughing hysterically-she got you! Hah, it's pretty darn cute. And my favorite.. Looking back at you with the most mischievous smile as she does something she knows she shouldn't.
Other milestones: Her new thing is bringing me a diaper from her closet when she poops and sniffing. That and the fact the she poops in the tub makes me think potty training could be around the corner?

Can I also just say how much I love this girl? She makes me the happiest person in the world and I thank Heavenly Father every single day that he trusted ME to be her mom.