Sunday, March 13, 2011

Attitude of Gratitude

Well, as most of you probably know, this blog is a class requirement. I am supposed to have written twelve blogs by the end of this month. Perhaps my classmates are finding it easier than I am, but my life just really is not that exciting.

So as I sat at work the other night, waiting for the nurses to get out of shift report so I could begin my trek through the bitter cold to my car, I realized how truly blessed I am.

I reviewed the week’s events in my head, and felt so lucky. I think so many days I find it so easy to take my life for granted and complain about the many things I actually have in my life- my car, my job, my husband and the warm apartment I have to come home to every night. There are many people out there that don’t even have a place to call home...

During a recent trip to L.A. I discovered that there are 88,000 people in L.A. that are homeless. That’s like the entire city of Sparks.

Not all of these people are just your typical “bum”. Some, are just normal people that have hit a hard spot and need a little help getting back on their feet.

I am so thankful to have my Heavenly Father to rely on when times get tough, and to make the good times even better. I often wonder where my life would be without the gospel and am so grateful that it is part of my life.

I don’t think I acknowledge my own gratitude for all the many blessings in my life enough. Gratitude is such a huge deal to me- a simple “Thank you”, can mean so much, yet I sometimes neglect to say it.

Gratitude is something I don’t hear often in my line of work.

Mostly it’s just complaints on how I could improve to better serve them. This week though, I have had the most wonderful group of patients. They have shared their gratitude with me multiple times throughout the week and it fills me with a hope that genuinely good people still exist.

Until I started working at West Hills I never really realized how far a “Thanks” could go.

Or how much the lack of one could influence my day.

Now, I’ll never again let an opportunity pass to let someone know I am thankful.

Thomas S. Monson said, "Having gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a gift and not delivering it."

Happy Sunday everyone!

1 comment:

  1. I need a boat. Also I used to have a bright outlook life too. Then the world crushed my soul (or rather my children ran me ragged). Enjoy your youth and good attitude.
