Monday, April 29, 2013

Traveling Circus

This weekend I was the ringmaster. Who knew that's what family vacations with kids- excuse me, 'kid'- would be like? We stuffed our car with toys, bottles, diapers, and all other things baby, and headed for the beach. (Just in time for the weather to warm up here...I know right? I'm really good at planning vacations...)

But this vacation was a long time coming. Jared and I had wanted to make a trip to Santa Cruz since we got married-in fact, it was supposed to be our honeymoon destination. But we never made it.
This weekend we did! Better late than never.. Ahh, who am I kidding, much better. Because now we got to bring little miss world traveler.

She really is a great trip buddy.. As long as she's not throwing up. Charlie is a wicked gag reflux from having a feeding tube for the first month of her life and when she gets too worked up, or laughs too hard she throws up. It's pretty disgusting. It's even worse when it's the fourth time she's done it and your only an hour into your trip home.. Ughh.. I'll take any suggestions on how to best clean vomit from a carseat.. Ready, go!

Really though, we had a great time. Without Jared I would be the most boring person in the world. Most of the time the adventures he suggests I think are silly. But I'm always glad in the end because we have so much fun.

When we got to Santa Cruz we stopped for a tour of the Mystery Spot. It's pretty mysterious. This house slid down the side of a hill and when you stand in it straight up you appear to be leaning over. I probably butchered the explanation and have left you more confused than before, but take my word for it. It's mysteriously cool. If you ever find yourself in SC I'd check it out.

We ate great food

Spent much needed time at the beach,

Which, have you heard? It's Charlie's favorite place in the whole world. She had this smile on her face almost the whole time we were there. (Minus when we showed her the waves. Girl hates the ocean)

I love these two. And even more I love that this girl loves her daddy so much. They have so much fun together!

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