That's right, time goes by way too quickly. Oh how I wish I could pause moments and stay in them forever (umm, or fast forward).
Needless to say, I have been a super slacker in the blogging world lately! I think it is safe to say we have been crazy busy! In the minutes I manage to steal each day getting things done I find I'm interrupted every five minutes seconds by my baby girl that has recently discovered crawling and new adventures of getting into everything and anything-especially things she's not supposed to.. Can anyone say baby proofing soon?? Yeah, I'll go ahead and put that on my to-do list.
Anyway, in the last few months we've taken our first family trip to the Oakland temple,
discovered the wonderfully sticky world of solids,
become homeowners (and hopefully will never move again),
--Pictures to come--
gone to Hawaii-just me and C,
took our girl to church for the very first time, also my first time being able to go to church with Jared since she came home,
(you can't really tell in this picture, but her dress is super cute. Promise.)
and.. Well I guess that's it. I supposed traveling and moving (in the same week-and with a baby) can really take it out of a person! We are finally settling into our home and organizing the longest list of "to-do's" you will ever see, but were loving it more than ever. Our neighbors are super friendly, our yard goes for days and our house is a blank canvas awaiting inspiration from, you guessed it, Pinterest! I was almost sure Jared hated it now more than ever before but I've since caught him several times checking it out. I smile inside every time and know I got myself a real catch. I feel like I owe my hubs a shout out for moving everything almost completely on his own while Charlie and I were in Hawaii. Unfortunately my grandpa got sick and our plans to visit him in Hawaii happened to be the week our house ended up closing. He is such a great guy and with times as busy as they have been I know I haven't given him the appreciation he deserves.
Here are some snapshots from our Hawaii trip. We were sad to leave J behind but I couldn't hide my excitement of introducing Charlie to the beach. She loved the sand- which I desperately tried to keep out of her little baby rolls, and she desperately tried to eat, but was terrified of the water -noise? Temperature? Either way I was shocked because she loves bath time.
I'm sorry, but babies in swimsuits?! Have you ever even seen anything so cute in your life?!
She was an absolute angel on the plane and I sat terrified the entire flight ready to throw a mask on her at the first sign of a sick person. But we she made it through the trip healthy (I got sick when we returned home). Anyway, can't say I'll ever be excited to travel without husband and alone with baby ever again. I can't even imagine how hard it would have been if she wasn't angelic.
Oh, did I mention that someone told Charlie it was okay to grow up? ..Yeah, wasn't me.
That's right she now drinks from a sippy cup. Can you believe it? Might as well go pick out her wedding dress...
There is much more I could bore you with but for now I'll end with this cute picture of my sleeping babe. Because who doesn't love sleeping babies?
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