Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy New Year's Eve!

So hard to believe this year is already coming to an end! 2012 has been quite a year for us. It has definitely had its ups and some scary downs but all in all I'd say it has been the best year yet! Here are our 2012 highlights

Started our year out right with a trip to Hawaii

Came home to a new baby niece! 

 Jared graduated from UNR in May

 Had fun watching my belly grow

Got our surprise fun-sized baby in June!

Brought our miracle baby home in August

Moved to Sparks in September--apologies for the lack of pictures!

This sweet girl figured out breathing all on her own in September

Blessed Charlotte in October

Cut down our first Christmas tree in December

Visited Santa just in time for Christmas!

Oh 2012, I will miss you, but my excitement for 2013 is overwhelming! Jared and I have so much planned for our little girl once we are finally allowed to take her out of the house and around people! 

Hope you all have a Happy New Year! 

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas, ya filthy animals

Merry Christmas

This year was extra special with our little girl! Even though she slept through most of today's festivities I loved sharing every moment with her. 

Charlie and her BFF Brooklyn got a special visit with Santa
(As much as it broke my heart I couldn't resist a classic crying picture)

We enjoyed brunch with my parents in the A.M., and dinner with the Olson's in the evening. We watched classic Christmas flicks and ate way too many baked goodies.

We had a very Merry day and shared it with the people we love most.

Wishing you all a wonderful holiday season and hoping your Christmas was as bright and merry as ours!

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Oh Christmas Tree...

Last weekend we went up to Dog Valley to hunt for the perfect tree. There was a debate if we were even going to get a tree, and when you think about it, real trees are kind of a waste of money. Since this is Charlie's very first Christmas (not that she will remember...) I couldn't take no for an answer. Jared surprised me by getting a permit to go cut down a tree. It was something I used to do when I was a kid and I totally loved it, but for me and Jared it was a first. We bundled Charlie up and headed into the storm clouds prepared for the worst. But as we got closer to Dog Valley we realized it was actually the perfect day! The sun was shining and there was hardly a cloud in the sky. It had rained the day before so it was pretty muddy but that didn't stop us from finding our tree! It didn't take long before we knew which one we'd be taking home. Definitely the best Christmas tree I've ever had, and probably the biggest. And I'm happy to report that Miss Charlotte loves the tree. It provides hours of bright, sparkly entertainment. Right now she's really into lights and sparkly things. It's a match made in heaven. 

So we're getting our Christmas spirit on over here at the Olson household and decking our halls and hanging our stockings...or whatever. Anyway, I can't tell you how excited I am for this year. Holidays are double the fun with a kid, and I have a feeling they will be even better when we can take this girl places next year! For now I'm enjoying this extra bit of family time with my sweet babes.

And one more of this cute Christmas girl.

Ahhhh! I can't get enough of her pouty lips.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Counting My Blessings

 If there is one thing I'm thankful for this November it's my growing little family. Of course I love my parents, sisters and where would I be without all of my amazing in-laws? But I can't say there's a day that goes by where I'm not thankful for the biggest blessing of all- being a mama to this sweet babe...

...and a wife to this lucky man..

...okay, maybe I'm the lucky one. 
Would you look at those two?!

Here are a couple more shots (captured by my talented sister in-law Alicia) for your viewing pleasure.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Daylight Savings Ruins Dreams


Last night it took me 2 hours, 2 rocking chairs and 2 diaper changes before Charlie finally fell asleep. 

But I have to admit, I am grateful for these nights. She is already growing up too fast so I'll soak up the baby moments when I can get them.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

All Hallows' Eve

Halloween is definitely in the top two when it comes to my favorite holidays. I don't know if it's the time of year- the perfect weather and colorful changing trees, the candy (obvious!), or all the fun costumes that gets me (that's my inner child talking). Perhaps it's all of them. Either way, I look forward to this spooky day all year, and even though I knew this year would be different I couldn't stop the urge to celebrate.

Sadly, our last minute decision to carve some pumpkins left us pumpkin-less (who knew its impossible to buy a pumpkin on Halloween?!), and even though for the life of me, I could not track down a copy of Hocus Pocus, we didn't let it dampen our Halloween spirit. We took a walk down the river (if you're from Reno you know what kind of creatures can be found there..), dressed Charlie up, and I ate my weight in candy-corn. So, until next year, Happy Halloween! I hope you all enjoyed this holiday as much as I did.

And yes, I'm already looking forward to next year when we can party with Charlie.

Friday, October 26, 2012

The light at the end of the tunnel.

Good News: turns out it's not a train.

From the day I found out I was pregnant, motherhood has made me the happiest girl in the world. And I really do feel so lucky to have this opportunity. But it's also been the most terrifying journey of my life. Filled with so much more than I ever could have expected. I thought that terror would fade away once Charlie left the NICU, but I'm beginning to think there is never going to be a day where I'm not going worry about her.

We have spent the last week and a half wondering the fate of our little miracle baby. You see, I took Charlie to her pediatrician for her two month checkup a couple weeks ago, and her pediatrician pointed out that her head was particularly narrow. I wasn't too worried because preemies are known for having "toaster heads" but to be safe her doctor decided to go ahead and order a CT scan anyway. It seemed like weeks went by before we found out the results when really it was only a couple of days.. After many nagging phone calls Charlotte's doctor finally called us back with the results.

She let us know that her skull was indeed fused.. Almost 2 years too early. (Which would mean this little girl would need surgery on her head to cut out a piece of her skull and make room for her growing brain) 
But what her doctor meant to say was, "this scan is blurry and I can't tell if it's fused or not". Instead she referred us to a pediatric neurosurgeon- who wouldn't be able to see us for two weeks... You can imagine the panic that ensued over that next 2 weeks.. We were told Charlie was going to have to have a major surgery! I wondered why this was happening, and after everything poor Charlie has had to endure, how could this be happening? I've never wanted so badly to put myself in her place and take away the pain that was coming. I didn't even want to imagine looking at my baby in the hospital AGAIN. She's already spent too much time there! These are the thoughts that flooded my mind (and many more that I won't bother to bore you with, because I think you get the point...).

This week came the long awaited and much anticipated day we'd so impatiently waited for.. We were set to meet with Dr. Sun. The Pediatric Neurosurgeon and Chief of Surgery at the Oakland Children's Hospital-a real life Grey's Anatomy star. And to our great surprise he gave us the good news I thought we'd never hear- no surgery for Charlie! Turns out, since the CT scan was blurry it only appeared that her head was fused. But when he pushed around on her skull (which she totally hated) he could feel the bones moving. Talk about sweet relief.

So for now we are just enjoying our sweet little baby that sleeps through the night and smiles up a storm for her mama. Oh, did I mention she's the best baby ever? Well it's true, she is.

Loving every second of bath time

Being born so early little Charlie is at high risk for RSV (you can read about it here) her doctors want us to keep her home until the season is over in April. So we decided to have her blessing at home. --side-note: I desperately felt like we needed to have her blessing before we met with the neurosurgeon and after everyone had left our house I joked to Jared "now that she has had her blessing her head will be miraculously healed". He laughed at me, but I think it just goes to show what a miracle this baby really is! 

Anyway, last Sunday a few family members and the Bishop came over and Jared blessed Charlotte. He did such a good job, and the spirit was so strong, it was so perfect! I'm once again reminded of how lucky I am.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Two down...

.... Infinity to go!

My husband really does know the way to my heart... 

I cannot believe we have been married for two years already! Sometimes it feels like 80!- in a good way of course

And this year is particularly special because we get to celebrate with our sweet babe

Pardon me for the mushiness that's about to happen, but it really has been the best two years of my life.
After everything we've been through the last few months, I can say with absolute confidence, I picked a winner.

 I'm so lucky to be married to my best friend in the whole world, I wouldn't have it any other way!

I can't wait for the rest of our lives!

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Officially Announcing...

Miss Charlotte Summer Olson

She loves bath time.
She loves to eat.
She loves to smile.
And she loves, loves, loves to snuggle!

Best baby ever?
There's not a doubt in my mind.

Luckiest mom in the world?
Most definitely.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Helicopter Mom

I have to admit, I have been quite the helicopter mom since Charlie has come home. I swore I would never be 'that' mom- But lo and behold- that's me. I use the excuse that she's a preemie, but who am I kidding? I'm not sure it'd be any different even if she was full term.

Anyway, my sweet Mom, who's also a first time Grandma, was gracious enough to put up with my hovering this last week. Let me tell you- it was wonderful. Who knew mom's still needed their moms so badly!? She grocery shopped for me, did my laundry, did the dishes, and made sure there was dinner on the table every night. I definitely logged a few more hours of sleep each day too. What did I do to deserve this fabulous lady in my life?

I'm so glad Charlotte got to meet her Gramma k (for the 2nd time, but since her first time meeting Gramma she was in an isolet.. we don't really count that).

Melt my heart. 

Three Generations!

Monday, August 27, 2012

Home At Last!

I think it's safe to say we are truly enjoying having sweet baby Charlie home! I can't even believe its been three weeks! Its surely been exhausting, but she is so worth all the sleepless nights.

All in all she's a terrific baby. Everyday I'm so grateful for her! I could not have asked for a more laid back little girl. Don't get me wrong, she's still a princess and loves her baths. She also loves to eat. In her first week home she gained almost ten ounces! She's got her daddy's appetite.

(Look at those chins!)

It's crazy to think that her due date is tomorrow, and she's already two months old! She's still on a bit of oxygen, but we're hopeful she won't need it much longer. I'm counting down the days until I'm able to take her places and show her off to the world!

I've had a blast watching her grow bigger and can't wait for all that's to come with my sweetie!

I just adore her!

Friday, July 20, 2012

Watch Charlie Grow

Charlie is growing and getting stronger each day! She is now weighing in at 3lbs 13oz, and taking a bottle twice a day. The weeks have blurred by and although sometimes it seems as though we've taken two steps forward only to take one back, she continues to make small progress. 

Jared and I are so proud, and so thankful that our little girl is doing well. 

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Princess Charlotte

I'll tell you why my little girl is a princess.. First, she loves bath time (which apparently is super rare here in the NICU). Since she got her PICC line out, she got to have her first real bath! I was worried when the nurse warned me that the babies cry the whole time and usually hate them-who wants to see their tiny 3lb baby upset? 
Second, she hates a dirty diaper. Twice now in the middle of changing her diaper she's pooped massive amounts. I know she's strategically planned it too, so she can avoid sitting in a dirty diaper (now I just have to train her to only do that when dad is changing her....).

Baby Charlie is making progress just about every day. With only a few set backs she's been gaining a little weight, and pooping a ton! Yesterday she pooped on me and then spit up on me... I'm beginning to feel like a real mom! I'm sure the novelty of being pooped on will wear off in the very near future, but for now, I'm going to enjoy it. I think I can enjoy things like that a lot more when I can only hold my baby once a day so for now, I'll take what I can get from my little sample baby.