Monday, August 27, 2012

Home At Last!

I think it's safe to say we are truly enjoying having sweet baby Charlie home! I can't even believe its been three weeks! Its surely been exhausting, but she is so worth all the sleepless nights.

All in all she's a terrific baby. Everyday I'm so grateful for her! I could not have asked for a more laid back little girl. Don't get me wrong, she's still a princess and loves her baths. She also loves to eat. In her first week home she gained almost ten ounces! She's got her daddy's appetite.

(Look at those chins!)

It's crazy to think that her due date is tomorrow, and she's already two months old! She's still on a bit of oxygen, but we're hopeful she won't need it much longer. I'm counting down the days until I'm able to take her places and show her off to the world!

I've had a blast watching her grow bigger and can't wait for all that's to come with my sweetie!

I just adore her!

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