Sunday, December 9, 2012

Oh Christmas Tree...

Last weekend we went up to Dog Valley to hunt for the perfect tree. There was a debate if we were even going to get a tree, and when you think about it, real trees are kind of a waste of money. Since this is Charlie's very first Christmas (not that she will remember...) I couldn't take no for an answer. Jared surprised me by getting a permit to go cut down a tree. It was something I used to do when I was a kid and I totally loved it, but for me and Jared it was a first. We bundled Charlie up and headed into the storm clouds prepared for the worst. But as we got closer to Dog Valley we realized it was actually the perfect day! The sun was shining and there was hardly a cloud in the sky. It had rained the day before so it was pretty muddy but that didn't stop us from finding our tree! It didn't take long before we knew which one we'd be taking home. Definitely the best Christmas tree I've ever had, and probably the biggest. And I'm happy to report that Miss Charlotte loves the tree. It provides hours of bright, sparkly entertainment. Right now she's really into lights and sparkly things. It's a match made in heaven. 

So we're getting our Christmas spirit on over here at the Olson household and decking our halls and hanging our stockings...or whatever. Anyway, I can't tell you how excited I am for this year. Holidays are double the fun with a kid, and I have a feeling they will be even better when we can take this girl places next year! For now I'm enjoying this extra bit of family time with my sweet babes.

And one more of this cute Christmas girl.

Ahhhh! I can't get enough of her pouty lips.

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