Wow. What a month it has been! My heart melts for this girl She's always the friendliest kid at the park saying hi to every kid accompanied by a cute little wave and often followed by at attempt to hug some snotty kid. I always cringe a little but luckily she's yet to be successful.
Likes: She loves looking out the window. She loves "cooking" and tea parties and will stop whatever she's doing to bust a move when the music comes on. As any girl, she enjoys getting her hair brushed and will sit on my lap forever as long and I'm running a brush through it. She requests almost daily to get her nails painted. Probably created a monster already because my girl loves shopping. But I don't even care because it's so dang cute when she takes a hanger from a rack and holds the dress or shirt or whatever up to her and whispers "soooo" (so cute).
Dislikes: Still not a fan of being told "no". Don't see her growing out of that anytime soon. She does not appreciate being fed like a baby and will refuse even her most favorite meal if I'm trying to feed her. Which means I sweep eighty times a day and change her outfit just as often.
Favorite activities: Playing in the dirt, taking her baby for a walks with her stroller, sidewalk chalk, the park
Favorite food: Sweets, sweets, sweets. If she could eat a donut and cookies for every meal she would. I don't know how she doesn't weigh more. In an attempt to get her to eat more greens I started making smoothies and she LOVES them. Making a big deal about how "yummy" healthy food tastes goes a long way with this girl. I've found I can trick her into eating almost anything.
Favorite words: "All geen" (all gone) and "all dee" (all done). And my favorite was when out of nowhere she tooted and goes "too tee" and smiled up at me. Haha! I think she learns new words daily, her newest being sorry (ssigh)
Milestones: She is independent in everything except sleeping. That's the only time she refuses to be left alone. She still spends most of the night in our bed. Charlie now folds her arms for prayer. I'll admit, sometimes I can't bring myself to close my eyes because watching her is just too cute. It seems like at this age she's almost learning something new everyday. I am a proud mama! But also I want time to slow down. Like, can't I just hit a button to make everything go in slow motion? I want to remember every moment. Being a mom to this girl is the dream job!!
She has sooo much empathy it amazes me. I had a particularly sad day this month and Charlie must've sensed it because she literally didn't touch her toys, just simply snuggled with me all day. At one point I cried a bit and she crawled on top of me and hugged me tight for a second and then gave me a reassuring smile and squeezed me again. When she looked up the second time to check on me I noticed she too was beginning to cry. It was the saddest sweetest thing ever! We just hugged it out. It was probably the best moment if my life.
I don't care what anyone thinks, she is my best friend.
Not only is she empathetic but she's also hilarious. Whenever I'm cooking and using the oven I always put the mit on and tell her to go back. And she always listens. Randomly she will put her own sock on her hand and run over the oven and yell at me "Go! Go!" With the most serious look on her face. She is a crack up!
I could go on and on with stories of our days but I'll stop there for now. I love watching her grow and learn everyday. I've said it before and I'll say it again. I LOVE being her mom!
She's adorable!!! Can't wait to see the two of you again!