It has been forever since I've blogged! I feel like I'm so busy, but when someone actually asks me what we've been up to I can't think of a thing. Maybe it's because I haven't had a full night of sleep since well before Charlie was born. That's right she's still sneaking into our bed every night. Neither of us could tell you how it happens. We just wake up to a foot in the face or an arm in the throat and there she is. I swear she climbs out of her crib, crawls into our room and weasels her way right in the middle of our her bed. Just kidding. But if you asked me when I brought her to bed, nine times out of ten I'd have no answer for you. Because I think I literally sleep walk into her room and bring her to bed. Sometimes I'm not even sure she was crying for me. But I do know one thing for sure... She is growing, and our bed is not. So obviously we need to buy a bigger bed.....
Other than sleep issues Charlie is growing and healthy and strong. She loves to eat big girl food. Her favorites? Whatever I'm eating. It's a great diet, I eat half as much as I used to because I've got a little birdie standing at my feet looking at me (my food) longingly with her big brown puppy dog eyes. How could you say no to that? She stands, she walks, she climbs, she says "dada" with more enthusiasm than I ever thought possible and she says "mamamamama" when she's really upset. Did I mention she loves her dad more than anything in the world? It's true. He comes home from work and she lunges at him and won't let him put her down until its time for bed. And she wants nothing to do with mama. As much as it breaks my heart when she forgets all about me I love that she loves her dad. It's the sweetest thing ever. Also, her hugs are the best thing ever. And her laugh, that's pretty awesome too. Um, also, she gives big, sloppy wet kisses and its my favorite thing ever.
Here's our summer in pictures. We had a lot of firsts with our girl this summer. I'm forever blown away by how fast she's becoming a little grown up with more personality than I ever imagined.. As much as I sometimes miss her newborn-ness I love every new stage and new adventure with her. Being a mom is the best job in the whole world. Don't argue. It's true.
A week before Charlie's Birthday we took her to her first baseball game
Celebrated Charlie's Birthday
(mom fail because I got like 3 pictures from her party)
Tried out our new baby pack on a sweet hike
Went to Tahoe and met up with her BFF Brooklyn
Went hiking for my birthday and had a campfire in the backyard
(apparently I'm bad at taking pictures on birthdays, again this is the only picture I have)
More trips to Tahoe courtesy of my fabulous sister-in-law Alicia
(a certain someone I know LOVES the beach)
Went camping at Frenchmans with our good friends the Lee's
Lot's of cousin love...
....and preemie love
Ate our weight in Fro-yo
Bought Charlie her very first bike (in pink of course)
And grew some grass in our backyard
We had such a fun summer but I am so looking forward to everything about fall and the holidays. I have a feeling this life is just going to keep getting better and better.
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