So first, for those that we've failed to update, a little about us..
We both grew up here in Nevada, me moving around a bit more than Jared- I went to nine different elementary schools. But finally ending up in Sparks, going to Reed High where we met and became good friends. Little did we know, the years would pass and we end up living out our happily ever after. It's often hard to believe how fast time has gone. We began dating a few months after Jared returned home from a church mission to the Big Sky Country- Montana.. I guess you could say that's when our "Love Story" began.
I took him to officially meet the family for Thanksgiving and knew then this was a blossoming relationship. He proposed in May 2010, and we decided we didn't want a long engagement.. I guess when you know, you know. Right? So quickly, I began planning for the day that would forever change my life.
Summer seemed to fly by and before I knew it, school had already started and our big day was approaching. It came so quickly, I didn't even have time to get nervous. In the blink of an eye family from Oregon, Texas, Idaho, Colorado and Hawaii (to name a few) had come into town to share in our special day.
October 9th, 2010 we were sealed in the Reno, Nevada Temple. It was definitely a day to remember- much like the planning, the wedding day flew by.
Before we knew it, we were back to reality- school. Although we're just going on four months of marriage, I feel we have already grown so much together. It has been an amazing four months and even though one could say we are still in our "honeymooners" faze, I think this Love Story is in for the long haul.
Welcome to the blogging world, this makes me happy!!! ;)
I seriously just threw-up a little.