This last week has been a complete blur. I couldn't tell you my Tuesday from my Wednesday. Some days have been harder than others but we're surviving. Most importantly Charlotte is surviving- more like thriving actually! She has successfully made it onto breathing without help, and even pooped twice on her own yesterday. Her next milestones are maintaining her own body temperature and gaining some weight, which can't be too far off with the determination this little girl seems to have.
I've learned some things this week too. I think the most important being- don't take anything for granted. I'll never get a first pregnancy again, and I spent much of the time finding things to complain about. Now, I'd give anything to still be pregnant (don't get me wrong I'm savoring every moment I have with my sweet miracle baby). Also, after almost 23 years of hearing "just wait til you're a mom....." I FINALLY get what it's all about. I know what that means now! Being a mom is the best and most terrifying thing ever. But I wouldn't trade it for the world!
Although things with this pregnancy did not go at all as planned, I am beyond grateful for the outcome.
I think its no secret that my sweet baby girl gets cuter everyday (if that's even possible)!