Wednesday, May 30, 2012

All Grown Up!

Well, one of us is anyway.. 

Jared graduated from UNR last weekend with a bachelors in Chemical Engineering. I'm so proud!
And wasting no time, he started his new job as a Project Manager the following Monday.
(If you know Jared at all this will come as no surprise.)

Although I attended Jared's graduation along with his parents, and his brothers family we were not among the lucky ones that had a seat to watch the graduates. It was so crowded that we had to sit on a grassy hill that left is sliding down in our dresses, peeking around the giant tree that sat in our view of the stage. 

Thankfully we were able to sneak out after Jared walked across the stage and captured a few pictures before making our way out of the heat the day was quickly bringing on.

I'm ashamed to say these are the only pictures I got- taken with my iPhone- that's right, I forgot my camera! On quite possibly one of the most memorable days of my hubs life!
(It's okay- call me a terrible wife...)